A Child Custody Attorney Safeguarding The Bond Between You And Your Kids
Decisions related to child custody are stressful for both parents and children alike. As a parent, you are likely worried about the well-being of your kids and protecting the relationship you have with them. You need an attorney who will do everything in their power to protect this irreplaceable bond and help you advocate for the most important people in your life.
That’s what you can expect when you contact Schroader Law. Our Tacoma firm represents clients facing all manner of family law issues. Our experienced legal team has a strong track record of success, both in and out of the courtroom. We are responsive and diligent; you will always know where your case stands and be able to make informed decisions.
Parenting Plans Can Be Negotiated Or Court Ordered
In Washington, a “parenting plan” is a document that lists the child custody allotment, schedule, details and the rights and responsibilities of both parents. When it is possible to do so, parenting plans can be created by direct negotiation between parents with the help of their respective attorneys. Negotiation tends to be faster and less stressful than litigation, and it gives both parents more control of the outcome. As long as the proposed parenting plan meets the best interests of the child or children, courts will generally approve it.
If you are unable to negotiate with your co-parent or you cannot reach an agreement, the parenting plan will be left to a judge, who will award custody based on a number of considerations. This is a riskier and more stressful proposition because the decisions are made by someone who does not know you or your children well. However, it is a necessary process if negotiation isn’t possible.
Whether your parenting plan is negotiated or custody is litigated, our legal team will advocate for the best interests of your children and protect your parental rights. In short, they are ready for whatever your case requires.
What Happens When A Custody Order Needs To Be Changed?
As kids grow and circumstances change, parenting plans may no longer meet their best interests. Either parent can petition the court to modify an existing custody order if there has been a substantial change in circumstances or the needs of the children. Whether you are seeking a change or seeking to prevent one, our legal team will help you craft a compelling argument for your position and will guide you through the modification process.
Reach Out Today To Discuss Your Child Custody Options
Schroader Law serves clients throughout Pierce County, Washington. To discuss your legal options with an experienced and caring family law attorney, call our Tacoma office at 253-617-7525 or send us a message online.