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Tips for co-parenting success

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2024 | Child Custody, Divorce

Divorce is hard for everyone involved, especially children. Parents who decide to co-parent after divorce can often run into problems because of the many emotions involved and the parents’ difficulty communicating. If you find yourself struggling as a co-parent, you are not alone. There are things you can do to increase the chances of co-parenting success.

Kids come first

First, remember why you are co-parenting in the first place. Your child’s well-being should be the most important reason you and the child’s other parent decided to do this together. Reminding yourself that this is for the child’s benefit can help because it is often easy to forget. In addition, co-parenting has many advantages that increase your child’s chances of having a stable, happy future.

Communicate openly

Communicating clearly and honestly with the other parent, even when it is difficult, is critical to successful co-parenting. Many parents find this one of the most challenging aspects of co-parenting because honest communication requires a certain level of vulnerability.

However, when parents get along or are civil with one another, their children fare better and are exposed to a much better example of how people should relate, even when they disagree.

Seek support and guidance

You do not have to do this alone; seeking help and support does not weaken you. From talking with your attorney about any resources they may be able to offer, to seeking divorced parents’ support groups or relying on your friends and family, it truly takes a village to succeed. Do not be ashamed of asking for help.

Co-parenting after divorce is challenging, but with patience, open and honest communication and the willingness to ask for help, you and the other parent can successfully do this.

